Explanation of NTSC-U Launch Version vs NTSC-U Rev1

Thank you Seedonator

What does "Launch Version" and "Rev1" mean???

When NTSC-U DBZ BT3 was first released for the Wii in December 2007, the game had a bug. The music gets downmixed to mono which results in the not-so-best audio experience for the User. Sometime shortly after, the responsible licensed developers patched this bug. This results in two official different revisions/versions of the NTSC-U game. As far as I know, the PAL game is not effected by this meaning it was first released after the NTSC-U Bug Fix. (fyi: PAL released in Feb 2008).

Not only that, the Rev1 Version had other changes such as...

The original (first release) game is known as Revision 0 or Launch Version. Post-bug fix game is known as Revision 1 or just Rev1 for short. The Rev1 game presents a problem for the Wii Codes that were made/use on the Launch Version game. Most Wii Codes use a 'codetype' which consists of patching and/or hooking instruction(s) at a specific Memory Location (Address) in the main executable (boot.dol). Since the Rev1 game has a slightly different source code (due to the fixes), this results in the main.dol being slightly different (due to re-compilation). Therefore, these specific Memory Locations can no longer be used as viable "hooks" for the current Codes. Every code has to be slightly modified to work on Rev1.

How can I tell if my NTSC-U game is Launch Version or Rev1???

Launch your Dolphin Emulator. Right click on your NTSC-U DBZ BT3 game and select Properties. A new menu appears. At the top, click on the Info Tab. Under ISO Details, the very first field labeled as Name will read as...

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (Disc 0, Revision X)

With X being 0 or 1.

A Launch Version code CANNOT work on the Rev1 game.
A Rev1 code CANNOT work on the Launch Version game.

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