Custom Character Selection [Vega] NTSC-U C35B5268 00000008 7D8802A6 4800000D RRTTVVXX YYZZ0000 7D6802A6 396BFFFF 38600006 395B0470 7C6903A6 8C0B0001 9C0A0028 4200FFF8 7D8803A6 38600000 60000000 00000000 RR = Character for Slot 0 TT = Character for Slot 1 VV = Character for Slot 2 XX = Character for Slot 3 YY = Character for Slot 4 ZZ = Character for Slot 5 Code creator: Vega #START ASSEMBLY 1st #Hook Address's #NTSC-U = 815b5268 #r3 safe for use if original instruction is last #Backup LR mflr r12 #Set Lookup Table bl table .byte 0x00 #Values plugged in so Source can compile .byte 0x01 .byte 0x02 .byte 0x03 .byte 0x04 .byte 0x05 .align 2 table: mflr r11 #Set Initial Load Address for BL Table addi r11, r11, -1 #Set Loop Count for 6 character slots (slots 0 thru 5) li r3, 6 #Set Initial Loop Store Address #r27 + 0x496 = slot 0's character "packet" #r27 + 0x498 = slot 0's character byte within packet #So do... r27 + 0x470 #Each character byte will be 0x28 away from each other addi r10, r27, 0x470 #Set CTR now mtctr r3 #Transfer shit loop: lbzu r0, 0x1 (r11) stbu r0, 0x28 (r10) bdnz+ loop #Restore LR mtlr r12 #Original Instruction #Tell parent function that this child function was a success (always success) li r3, 0 #END ASSEMBLY