Instant Max SP Bar Gain [Vega] Only been tested in basketball. X = Team 0 = Blue 1 = Red NTSC-U C218B460 00000003 2C04000X 40820008 FC210824 9421FFE0 60000000 00000000 Code creator: Vega #Hook Address #NTSC-U = 8018B460 #Check for slot (r4 arg of func) cmpwi r4, 0 #Set on Blue Team, adjust to 1 for Red bne- original_instruction #rtoc - 0x6474 constants the constant of 1.0 #However f1 is always non-zero, and fdiv is MUCH faster than lfs #f1 = func 1st float arg, it is next bar level to increment up to #Always make f1 = 1.0 (max SP bar) fdiv f1, f1, f1 #OG instruction, make frame for function original_instruction: stwu sp, -0x0020 (sp)