Racer XYZ Size Modifier [JoshuaMK]
I want to say Joshua that this is one of the best codes I've seen. A complex and at the same time, a useful plus fun code. It's rare to see other code creators bother with floating points. Because of other coders' lack of desire to work on floaters, you are definitely gonna find a lot of undiscovered stuff.

Code works perfectly, as expected. My only recommendation on this code, is to set it up where the user doesn't have to double-add every button activator/deactivator. That took awhile lmao.

Push the stack (https://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1108) for however many extra registers you need...
Then setup something like this...
li r14, RRRR
li r15, XXXX
li r16, xxxx
li r17, YYYY
li r18, yyyy
li r19, ZZZZ
li r20, zzzz
li r21, EEEE
li r22, eeee

Then you do Logical ANDs using 'cmpw' instead of 'cmpwi.

Messages In This Thread
Racer XYZ Size Modifier [JoshuaMK] - by JoshuaMK - 08-15-2019, 07:19 PM
RE: Racer XYZ Size Modifier - by Vega - 08-16-2019, 07:38 PM
RE: Racer XYZ Size Modifier - by JoshuaMK - 08-16-2019, 08:06 PM

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