Disc Drive Lighter [Spaghetti Noppers]
Disc Drive Lighter [Spaghetti Noppers]

This code will make the disc drive light of the Wii always on, whenever you press your desired activator (while not pressing any other buttons).

C0000000 00000005
3D40CD80 812A00C0
552906F2 3D80WWWW
40A20008 61290020
912A00C0 4E800020

WWWW values:
8034 = NTSC-U, PAL (non-gcn), & NTSC-J
8033 = NTSC-K
8035 = PAL (gcn only)

XXXX = Standard Controller Address value
ZZZZ = Standard Button value

lis r10, 0xCD80
lwz r9, 0x00C0 (r10)

rlwinm r9, r9, 0, 27, 25

lis r12, 0x8033
lhz r11, 0x6200 (r12)

cmpwi r11, 0x0880
bne+ update_gpio

ori r9, r9, 0x0020

stw r9, 0x00C0 (r10)

#If compiling with WiiRDGUI...
#Uncomment the blr below, and...
#Change compiled code line of C2000000 to C0000000, and..
#change compiled code line of 00000006 to 00000005, and...
#remove final compiled code line (60000000 00000000)


Code creator: The Spaghetti Noppers Group

Messages In This Thread
Disc Drive Lighter [Spaghetti Noppers] - by Vega - 05-12-2018, 08:01 PM

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