Fibonacci in PowerPC ASM
I was asked by a random person on Discord if I could make a Fibonacci sequence on PPC ASM. 

x + y = z
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 = 2
1 + 2 = 3
2 + 3 = 5
etc etc

He wanted the equation to loop and repeat until X equals 255 then the loop will start from the very beginning again. Anyway here's a quick fibonacci ASM sequence if anybody cares... Ofc, modify this according to store/load to/from memory addresses for use in Cheat Codes...

li r16, 0x0 #Set X value
li r17, 0x1 #Set Y Value

add r18, r16, r17 #This is the instruction for X+Y=Z. Register 18 is the Z value
mr r16, r17 #Copy Y's values over to X
mr r17, r18 #Copy Z's value over to Y

cmplwi r16, 0xFF #Compare X's value to 255
blt+ second_label #If less than (more likely to occur) continue the Fibonacci sequence by jumping to back to second_label
b first_label #Once X equals 255, reset the entire sequence. Jump to first_label

Raw ASM:
3A000000 3A200001
7E508A14 7E308B78
7E519378 281000FF

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Fibonacci in PowerPC ASM - by Vega - 11-23-2018, 03:20 AM

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