What’s the best way to go about calling game specific functions?
Thank you for the reply. I’ll definitely look into using Ghidra, it looks like it could be useful for better understanding how some functions work.

I was using the call stack to try to get a list of functions related to item boxes. After setting breakpoints on the ones near the bottom, I noticed they were being called every frame so I assumed that maybe they were more generic functions that handled more than just item boxes.

It looks like the drive through item boxes code removes the branch instruction, to stop the function from being called at all. Maybe I can do something with that to trigger the item roulette when crossing the start line. I’ll try experimenting with it.

Thanks again

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RE: What’s the best way to go about calling game specific functions? - by ComputerBot2016 - 01-06-2020, 09:12 PM

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