Moon Jump [Bully]
Moon Jump [Bully]

Press and Hold button to float higher and higher in the air. Release button to come back down. You must NOT be pressing any other buttons when using the code.

C25AA70C 00000006
3D808034 618CXXXX
A18C0000 2C0CZZZZ
40A20018 819E006C
3D600002 7D8B6214
919E006C 48000008
D33E006C 00000000

C25B5634 00000006
3D808034 618CXXXX
A18C0000 2C0CZZZZ
40A20018 819E006C
3D600002 7D8B6214
919E006C 48000008
D33E006C 00000000

C25B4FB4 00000006
3D808034 618CXXXX
A18C0000 2C0CZZZZ
40A20018 819E006C
3D600002 7D8B6214
919E006C 48000008
D33E006C 00000000

C25A368C 00000006
3D808033 618CXXXX
A18C0000 2C0CZZZZ
40A20018 819E006C
3D600002 7D8B6214
919E006C 48000008
D33E006C 00000000

XXXX = Controller Address
ZZZZ = Button Value

Source; concise (NTSC-K specific)
lis r12, 0x8033 #Controller Address 1/2 (this is 0x8034 for all other regions)
ori r12, r12, 0xXXXX #Controller Address 2/2

lhz r12, 0 (r12) #Load Current Combined Button Value from Address

cmpwi r12, 0xZZZZ #Check if activator button (when no other buttons are pressed) is being preformed
bne+ default_instruction #branch value 0x18 #If activator not pressed, jump to default_instruction

lwz r12, 0x6C (r30)
lis r11, 0x0002

add r12, r11, r12
stw r12, 0x6C (r30) #Activate Moon Jump

b skipdefault_instruction #branch value 0x8

stfs f25, 0x6C (r30) #Default instruction


Code Creator: Bully

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