Force CC Selection Grand Prix Mode [Vega]
Force CC Selection Grand Prix Mode [Vega]

This code will allow you to force + customize the CC mode that is loaded in Grand Prix regardless what you choose in the game. Thus you can use this code to do something such as force you+CPUs to all use bikes in 50cc which is normally not possible.

Y = Mirror Mode Off/On Value-
0 = No Mirror Mode
1 = Mirror Mode

X = CC aka Speed-
0 = 50cc
1 = 100cc
2 = 150cc

C2825098 00000002
3800000Y 90051780
3800000X 00000000

C283FAF8 00000002
3800000Y 90051780
3800000X 00000000

C283F164 00000002
3800000Y 90051780
3800000X 00000000

C282DEB8 00000002
3800000Y 90051780
3800000X 00000000

li r0, Y #Set Mirror. 1 = yes, 0 = no
stw r0, 0x1780 (r5) #Update Mirror value in Memory
li r0, X #Set CC Mode (speed). 0 = 50cc, 1 = 100cc, 2 = 150cc. Default Instruction of 'lwzx r0, r8, r9' not needed.

Code creator: Vega
Bump. Got rid of the bug that wouldn't activate Mirror mode if you didn't have it unlocked. I also added the ability to choose the CC speed and the Mirror Mode independently of each other.
Gonna be using this
Super Mario Eclipse, what Super Mario Sunshine could've been.

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