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  MKW Coder & Developer Hall of Fame
Posted by: Vega - 06-09-2018, 04:18 PM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion - Replies (4)

MKW Coder & Developer Hall of Fame

This is a thread to give credits to the most influential code creators and developers that MKW has ever seen. This is a personal list and will have plenty of bias, lol.

[Image: it.png] Mdmwii:

Mdmwii was the original GOAT. The Bill Russell of his time. He created many high quality ASM codes back during a time when information and material about PPC ASM was very limited. Most of his codes were created in the year 2009. If you were in the community in 2010 or earlier, you know who Mdmwii is.

Most famous code: Live Replay (GCN)

Other notable codes: MarioBOT, MAC Address Spoofer, Change Character In Between Race, Speed-O-Meter (TT and online), Stalking, Future Fly, FreeFly, Ultimate License Unlocker, Original Drop Item Hack

[Image: fr.png] XeR:

Xer is a very skilled code creator who didn't make many codes but every code he did create was very impacting to MKW. Some will say he's the 'best coder' of all time. Creating codes that far exceeded expectations and creating codes that were thought to be impossible. XeR was the very first person ever to access the China region ID.

Most famous code: Invisible Code

Other notable codes: GOD Code, Force Room CC, Kill-O-Meter, God's controller (GCN), Clear Profile ID, Extend VR Limit

[Image: de.png] Wiimm:

Wiimm is the founder/creator of Wiimmfi, the most popular post-WFC custom Wii/DS server. He also made the WIT & SZS Tools, which are advanced Wii game editing tools that are far superior than the ancient programs WiiScrubber, Wii Backup Manager, etc.

Without the Wiimmfi service, the online MKW scene would have died along with Nintendo WFC

Most famous for: Wiimmfi (creator)

Some codes/programs he has created: MKW-Ana, WIT Tools, SZS Tools, GCT Main.dol patching via SZS Tools, License Unlock (Execute ASM type), Clear Profile ID (for non-Wiimmfi profiles only)

[Image: gb.png] Chadderz:

The mastermind who created CTGP. Many codes/CTGP-features you thought were made by Mr.Bean were actually made by Chadderz (they are brothers). There's way too much to say about CTGP. Simply run a google search on it and/or visit their website. The work is unbelievable.

Most famous for: CTGP

Some codes he has created: WiFi Time Limit Expansion, 5 Minutes is 99:59.999 (always lose), High Data Rate (co-creator), Ultra Uncut (co-creator)

[Image: gb.png] MrBean:

Chadder'z older brother. Arguably the most known overall MKWii player of all time, not just coder/dev. He was the one that put the overall hacking scene on the map. During the late 2010's he would gradually take more and more control over the development & progression of CTGP. Some will argue that he is the greatest coder/dev in MKW History.

Most famous code: 24 Player Mode

Other notable codes: Multi-ghost Replay, Enhanced Ghost Replay, Item Rain, All Items Can Land, High Data Rate (co-creator), Ultra Uncut (co-creator), Performance Bar, Original Draggable Blue Shells

[Image: us.png] Star:

Star would get a USB Gecko in Feb 2018 and begin created various codes based on Guru's original shared item code. Just a short time after learning ASM, he would release his Shared Item Detection code, which got the community's attention. After that, Star would make much more complex ASM Codes. In fact, some of the most complex ASM codes ever created for MKWii. Star also created arguably the greatest code in MKWii History - Remote Code Execution. Before Star came along, it appeared that ASM Coding was done for good. He helped revive it.

Most famous code: Remote Code Execution

Other notable codes: A Step Above God, Target Freeze, Graphical Speedometer, Screenshot, Perfect Replace Item w/ Shared Item, Draw Text To Screen (co-creator), Custom Exception Handler (co-creator), Join any Friend's Regional, Shared Item Cheat Detection, Host Always Wins Track Vote, Room Message Spoofer, Lag Switch, Mii Name Extender

[Image: ch.png] Stebler:

Stebler would join the MKWii community completely out of nowhere via joining the MKWii.com forums in Oct 2020. He would make the one of the most influential codes of all time, the Pretty Speedometer code. Nowadays, this code (or some altercation thereof) is present in damn near every Time Trial Video. He would also make one of the most influential MKW Mods of all time: MKW-SP. Throw in some other great codes such as Items on MiniMap and you have a legend. Oh don't forget all the "would-be-codes" that were implemented within MKW-SP.

Most famous code: Pretty Speedometer

[Image: de.png] Bully:

Bully has made a huge amount of codes for MKW. There are so many codes made by him, that the list of notable codes below could easily be tripled. He has his own forum (bullywiihacks) where he has released nearly all his codes which includes multiple games, not just MKW. Very skilled ASM coder.

Most famous code: Allow Offending Names Online

Other notable codes: Show Item Early, Instant DC, Item Warning (online & offline), Item Spy (multiple versions of online and offline), Graphical (in game) Item Spy, Live Replay (wii remote), Crazy Coin Runners, Friend Roster Wins Modifier, Always get LWs (wheel/chuck), Perfect Start Every Time (chuck), TT Resetter, C2/ASM type Always Have Item, God's Controller (wheel/chuck)

[Image: de.png] Leseratte:

Leseratte is the co-founder and current co-admin of Wiimmfi. The Wiimmfi Competition service was also created by him. A lot of good info from the wiki.tockdom.com MKWii wiki-type website has been provided from Leseratte. He is very underrated for the work he has contributed, and is not as known as Bean, Chadderz, Xer, etc.

Most known for: Co-founder of Wiimmfi

Some programs/codes he has created: Cheat Code for Regional VS Patch, Original Remove Mushroom Bug

[Image: us.png] JoshuaMK:

This former top tier TTer would join the MKWii.com forums in June 2019 and quickly become one of the best ASM coders ever. Not only did he create many codes, he also created an upgraded version of the Gecko Code Handler. In 2020, he would create a new and improved version of PyiiASMH (PyiiASMH3).

Most famous code: Custom Laps

Other notable codes: Vehicle Stats Mod, Item Timer, Fancy HUD & Speedometer, Dynamic Gravity,  Scalable Speed, Disable Bumping, Perfect Start Boost, Wheelie Never Times Out, Customizeable Removable HUD, Start Race Backwards, Disable CPU Driving, Hover Kart, Racer XYZ Size Mod, Turning Sharpness Modifier

[Image: us.png] Vega:

Vega has created over 100 MKWii codes. He opened the mkwii.org (now MarioKartWii.com) forums in Feb 2018. It is the first ever site to contain an organized database/list of all public MKW Cheat codes. After Vega learned PowerPC ASM (with much help from Star), he would make many guides on the forums to teach others PowerPC ASM. Since before those guides were around, there was basically no info at all to learn PowerPC ASM to make Wii Cheat Codes. Vega also created the first ever MKW Unlocker HBC app (V-Unlock), and the first ever PPC Assembler written in PPC (Waltress).

Most famous for: MarioKartWii.com

Some codes he has created: Perfect License Unlock and/or VR+BR Modifier, Steal-Mii, Perfect Character/Vehicle Selection, Wii ID Nand Modifer, SYSCONF Nand File Modifier, Dump All Opponent's Important Info to NAND, Ultimate Region ID Cycler In Between Races, Perfect Item Code, Friend Roster Plus Your Mii Name Changer/Extender, Friend Roster FC Modifier, Graphical SpeedBar, Graphical In-Game Item Spy, Live Replay (universal for all controllers), Advantageous Character/Vehicle Selection, Never Pickup Certain Item From Box, Choose Any Position to Start Race As, Online Room GP Points Modifier, Domain Full Name Changer, Random Track Selection For Offline, Force CC Grand Prix Mode.

[Image: be.png] WhatIsLoaf:

WhatIsLoaf (aka Loaf) created the Custom Top Ten Leaderboard code. Before its creation in 2020, it was one of the most demanded-for codes. Everybody wanted it but nobody created it, til ofc Loaf did. The code allows you to set any custom info, mii, data, title, etc for the Top Ten chart(s) you view within the game. Needless to say after this was created, it is in damn near every TT Video.

Most famous code: Custom Top Ten Leaderboard

Loaf would also create the Advanced Life Replay Code. Basically the first every Live Replay Code that allows Ghosts, and doesn't have any weird gimmicks/quirks. He would create the tt-rec.com website. A site full of on-the-fly customizable codes + downloads, along with tutorials, to help any beginner TT Recorder. Other codes are MSG Editor, 6 Minute Timer Limit Removal, and Save Max Input Ghost.

[Image: gb.png] Seeky:

Seeky was the first to find the DWC-Library Exploit. It is a Remote Code Execution exploit that can be used on any Wii Game that has online functionality. For safety reasons, it has never been released (as of 2024), and may never will. Seeky has created some very useful codes such as various anti-RCE codes, Auto-Dodge POW, 64 Second Timer, and Anti-Non Host Can Start Room Code.

Most famous for: MKW Class and Structure GitHub Repo - https://github.com/SeekyCt

Other codes: Co created Items in TT's Code, Timed Auto Item Usage, Configurable Auto Trick, Start with Triple Mushroom.

[Image: es.png] Atlas:

A developer who has made a ton of quality mkwii-related computer programs. He has also made a couple of cheat codes. He was the first to make a program that converted brfnt files to tpl images, which made creating custom fonts on ISOs much simpler. He also made programs (Patch-that-BRSAR and Final Lap Stream Maker) which made custom music editing on ISOs much easier. Basically, the main reason why ISO editing is easy today is greatly due to Atlas.

Most famous for: RKG Viewer Program

Other programs he has made: rksys.dat extractor, brfnt2tpl editor, Patch-that-BRSAR, StaticR.rel tool, miiDispParan.bin editor, ItemSlot Editor, Final Lap Stream Maker, kartParam.bin editor

[Image: us.png] RiiDefi:

RiiDefi entered into the community in late 2018. Instantly he would go on to create great codes. His first codes was Lagometer and Change Background Color. Both released in December 2018. In 2019, he would create some amazing codes such as the first Draw Text to Screen (co creator), Tint Screen Red when Hit, Custom Exception Handler (co creator). The following year (2020), he would create some more great codes which are Draw Image to Screen (co-creator), and Join Friend on Game Launch (co creator).

Sometime before May 2021 (late 2020 or early 2021), he would create the https://github.com/riidefi/mkw repository. The first ever attempt at decompiling MKW's Source Code.

Most famous code: MKW Decompilation

Other programs & codes: RiiStudio, Kuribo, Conditional OOB, BRRES Anti Flicker.

[Image: us.png] Anarion:

An underrated code creator whom the community always forgets to mention. Has made quality codes. His better/more known work would come in early 2014 right before the official WiFi servers were shutdown.

Most famous code: Any Region Changer

Other notable codes: Everlasting Items, Instant Item Boxes, No Item Boxes, Copy Mii, No Item Indicator, No MH Traffic

[Image: us.png] Volderbeek:

One of the most known code creators from the early/dark ages. Created codes in 2008 & 2009. Helped mdmwii with some of his codes. Volderbeek created the original VR/BR modifier code, original Always Have Item code, and original License Unlocker code. Most of his codes are now replaced by updated/modified versions.

Most famous code: Original Always Have Item

Other notable codes: Original VR/BR Hack, Original License Unlocker, Max Speed Modifier, Disable Blooper Ink, all Demo codes, Instant Slipstream

[Image: us.png] Hamster:

Another code creator from the early/dark ages. Made multiple quality codes in 2010. He created the very first original Forced Item Code, No Terrain Code, Invincible Code, and many others. Just like Volderbeek, most of his codes are now replaced by updated versions.

Most famous for: MKW Code Generator Windows Program

Some codes he has created: Gravity Modifier, No checkpoints, Reverse Speed Modifier, Invisible Racing, Original Forced Item Code, Original Invincible Code, Original No Terrain Code

[Image: gb.png] Geeh:

Geeh made a ton of codes during the years of 2015 & 2016. He would help start a small group of ASM Coders called the Spaghetti Noppers Group that lasted only for a short time. Geeh is very underrated regarding his ASM skills, not many know who he is and/or the quality codes he has made.

Most famous code: Rave Code (co-created within Spaghetti Noppers)

Other notable codes (co-created within Spaghetti Noppers): Rainbowized Timer, Rainbow Selection/HUD, Rainbow Text, Rainbow Various Elements, Obsessive Friend Roster, Timer Color Mod, Force Live View, Disc Slot Light Always On

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  Force Respawn [Anarion]
Posted by: Vega - 06-09-2018, 03:42 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item - Replies (8)

Force Respawn [Anarion]

Press desired button activator(s) at any time to force a respawn. There are two configurations to this code. For offline use, works in all modes.

1st config: During Offline use, it will effect everyone
2nd config: During Offline use, you choose which Slot will be effected (fyi Slot Value 0 = You aka Player 1)

rrrr Values (for PAL versions only):
8034 = Wheel, Chuck, or Classic
8035 = GCN

XXXX = Standard Controller Address Value
ZZZZ = Standard Button Value

s = Slot Value (2nd config only)
0 = Player 1
1 = CPU 1
.. ..
B = CPU 11 (final CPU)

1st config:
C2572104 00000006
3D608034 A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000

C2578968 00000006
3D60rrrr A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000

C25782E8 00000006
3D608034 A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000

C25669C0 00000006
3D608033 A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000

2nd config:
C2572104 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D608034
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000

C2578968 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D60rrrr
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000

C25782E8 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D608034
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000

C25669C0 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D608033
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000

Code creator: Anarion
Code credits: Vega (Better Hook Address, Added Slot Selection ability, Changed cmpwi to cmplwi for Button Activator to allow 0x8000+ Button Values, removed arbitrary byte write and replaced with proper bit flipping). Stebler (Slot Level Pointing portion of source)

---1st config source
#NTSC-U = 0x80572104
#PAL 80578968
#NTSC-J = 0x805782E8
#NTSC-K = 0x805669C0

#r28 = alt slot0playerpointer

#Check controller
lis r11, 0x8035 #PAL GCN Y button used for source compilation, adjust to your preference
lhz r10, 0xFFFF8200 (r11)
cmplwi r10, 0x0880
bne+ original_instruction

lwz r12, 0 (r28)
lwz r12, 0x4 (r12)
lwz r11, 0x0014 (r12)
oris r11, r11, 0x0001
stw r11, 0x0014 (r12)

mr r3, r28

----2nd config source

#NTSC-U = 0x80572104
#PAL 80578968
#NTSC-J = 0x805782E8
#NTSC-K = 0x805669C0

#r28 = alt slot0playerpointer

#Check Slot
lwz r12, 0 (r28)
lwz r12, 0 (r12)
lbz r12, 0x10 (r12)
cmpwi r12, 0 #Slot 0 used for source compilation, adjust to your preference
bne+ original_instruction

#Check controller
lis r11, 0x8035 #PAL GCN Y button used for source compilation, adjust to your preference
lhz r10, 0xFFFF8200 (r11)
cmplwi r10, 0x0880
bne+ original_instruction

lwz r12, 0 (r28)
lwz r12, 0x4 (r12)
lwz r11, 0x0014 (r12)
oris r11, r11, 0x0001
stw r11, 0x0014 (r12)

mr r3, r28

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  No Boundary Check [Anarion]
Posted by: Vega - 06-09-2018, 03:22 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item - No Replies

No Boundary Check [Anarion]

Also known as Disable Boundaries. You can drive in respawn areas without respawning.

0056F033 00000000
C259728C 00000003
2C000020 41820008
B27D0334 A01D0334
60000000 00000000

00573E83 00000000
C25A22C4 00000003
2C000020 41820008
B27D0334 A01D0334
60000000 00000000

00573803 00000000
C25A1C44 00000003
2C000020 41820008
B27D0334 A01D0334
60000000 00000000

00561EDB 00000000
C259031C 00000003
2C000020 41820008
B27D0334 A01D0334
60000000 00000000

Code created by: Anarion

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  Effect Size Modifier [Ryuk]
Posted by: Ryuk - 06-09-2018, 09:41 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - Replies (2)

Effect Size Modifier [Ryuk]

Allows you to modify the visual effect of the orange exhaust boost when an MT or Shroom occurs.

C268FAE0 00000002
3DE0XXXX 61EF0000
91FF072C 00000000

C2693F68 00000002
3DE0XXXX 61EF0000
91FF072C 00000000

C26935D4 00000002
3DE0XXXX 61EF0000
91FF072C 00000000

C2682310 00000002
3DE0XXXX 61EF0000
91FF072C 00000000

XXXX Values:
3F80 = Default
4000 = Recommended Value
4F80 = Too high, causes screen to flash white every time

Code creator: Ryuk

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  Shared Item Cheat Detection [Star]
Posted by: Star - 06-08-2018, 08:56 PM - Forum: Online; Item - Replies (1)

Shared Item Cheat Detection [Star]

This code will detect when a player tries to obtain a Shared Item, but the item they intend to cheat already has it's maximum amount in play. The code will also detect when a player obtains impossible item combinations. It will display the slot of the offending player in the milliseconds of the timer, accompanied by a value denoting the reason.

C26593FC 00000005
907C0008 9421FFF0
BFC10008 3FE08053
3FC080A1 63DE0024
93DF10A0 BBC10008
38210010 00000000
C265EE14 0000000B
88030001 9421FFF0
BFC10008 8BE30003
56CC103A 3D8C8168
2C1F0000 41A20010
2C1F0001 41820014
4800001C 3BC00014
9BCC0193 48000014
3BC00057 9BCC0193
48000008 980C0193
BBC10008 38210010
60000000 00000000
C265EE30 00000059
88100011 9421FFB0
BDC10008 8BF00013
56CC103A 3D8C8168
2C1F0000 41A20010
2C1F0001 41820014
48000258 3BC00014
9BCC0193 48000284
3BC00057 9BCC0193
3FA08053 3F8038A0
8B700012 2C1B0010
41820018 2C1B0011
41820010 2C1B0012
41820008 4800001C
2C000010 41820224
2C000011 4182021C
2C000012 41820214
3B40000C 7F4903A6
3F208168 63390193
3F008168 63180133
8AF90000 2C170006
40A20014 8AD80000
3AD60001 9AD80000
480000D8 2C170007
40A20014 8AD80004
3AD60001 9AD80004
480000C0 2C170008
40A20014 8AD80008
3AD60001 9AD80008
480000A8 2C170009
40A20014 8AD8000C
3AD60001 9AD8000C
48000090 2C17000A
40A20014 8AD80010
3AD60001 9AD80010
48000078 2C17000B
40A20014 8AD80014
3AD60001 9AD80014
48000060 2C17000C
40A20014 8AD80018
3AD60001 9AD80018
48000048 2C17000D
40A20014 8AD8001C
3AD60001 9AD8001C
48000030 2C17000E
40A20014 8AD80020
3AD60001 9AD80020
48000018 2C17000F
40A20010 8AD80024
3AD60001 9AD80024
3B390004 4200FF0C
2C000006 40A20014
8AD80000 2C160003
408000E8 480000FC
2C000007 40A20014
8AD80004 2C160001
408000D0 480000E4
2C000008 40A20014
8AD80008 2C160001
408000B8 480000CC
2C000009 40A20014
8AD8000C 2C160003
408000A0 480000B4
2C00000A 40A20014
8AD80010 2C160002
40800088 4800009C
2C00000B 40A20014
8AD80014 2C160002
40800070 48000084
2C00000C 40A20014
8AD80018 2C160001
40800058 4800006C
2C00000D 40A20014
8AD8001C 2C160001
40800040 48000054
2C00000E 40A20014
8AD80020 2C160001
40800028 4800003C
2C00000F 40A20010
8AD80024 2C160001
40800010 48000024
980C0193 48000034
639C0064 48000008
639C012C 7F9CB214
3B9C0001 939D10A0
3AA00000 3B40000A
7F4903A6 9AB80000
3B180004 4200FFF8
B9C10008 38210050
60000000 00000000

C2661338 00000005
907C0008 9421FFF0
BFC10008 3FE08053
3FC080A1 63DE0024
93DF5BE8 BBC10008
38210010 00000000
C265E18C 0000000B
88030001 9421FFF0
BFC10008 8BE30003
56CC103A 3D8C8168
2C1F0000 41A20010
2C1F0001 41820014
4800001C 3BC00014
9BCC0193 48000014
3BC00057 9BCC0193
48000008 980C0193
BBC10008 38210010
60000000 00000000
C265E1A8 00000059
88100011 9421FFB0
BDC10008 8BF00013
56CC103A 3D8C8168
2C1F0000 41A20010
2C1F0001 41820014
48000258 3BC00014
9BCC0193 48000284
3BC00057 9BCC0193
3FA08053 3F8038A0
8B700012 2C1B0010
41820018 2C1B0011
41820010 2C1B0012
41820008 4800001C
2C000010 41820224
2C000011 4182021C
2C000012 41820214
3B40000C 7F4903A6
3F208168 63390193
3F008168 63180133
8AF90000 2C170006
40A20014 8AD80000
3AD60001 9AD80000
480000D8 2C170007
40A20014 8AD80004
3AD60001 9AD80004
480000C0 2C170008
40A20014 8AD80008
3AD60001 9AD80008
480000A8 2C170009
40A20014 8AD8000C
3AD60001 9AD8000C
48000090 2C17000A
40A20014 8AD80010
3AD60001 9AD80010
48000078 2C17000B
40A20014 8AD80014
3AD60001 9AD80014
48000060 2C17000C
40A20014 8AD80018
3AD60001 9AD80018
48000048 2C17000D
40A20014 8AD8001C
3AD60001 9AD8001C
48000030 2C17000E
40A20014 8AD80020
3AD60001 9AD80020
48000018 2C17000F
40A20010 8AD80024
3AD60001 9AD80024
3B390004 4200FF0C
2C000006 40A20014
8AD80000 2C160003
408000E8 480000FC
2C000007 40A20014
8AD80004 2C160001
408000D0 480000E4
2C000008 40A20014
8AD80008 2C160001
408000B8 480000CC
2C000009 40A20014
8AD8000C 2C160003
408000A0 480000B4
2C00000A 40A20014
8AD80010 2C160002
40800088 4800009C
2C00000B 40A20014
8AD80014 2C160002
40800070 48000084
2C00000C 40A20014
8AD80018 2C160001
40800058 4800006C
2C00000D 40A20014
8AD8001C 2C160001
40800040 48000054
2C00000E 40A20014
8AD80020 2C160001
40800028 4800003C
2C00000F 40A20010
8AD80024 2C160001
40800010 48000024
980C0193 48000034
639C0064 48000008
639C012C 7F9CB214
3B9C0001 939D5BE8
3AA00000 3B40000A
7F4903A6 9AB80000
3B180004 4200FFF8
B9C10008 38210050
60000000 00000000

C26609A4 00000005
907C0008 9421FFF0
BFC10008 3FE08053
3FC080A1 63DE0024
93DF5568 BBC10008
38210010 00000000
C265D7F8 0000000B
88030001 9421FFF0
BFC10008 8BE30003
56CC103A 3D8C8168
2C1F0000 41A20010
2C1F0001 41820014
4800001C 3BC00014
9BCC0193 48000014
3BC00057 9BCC0193
48000008 980C0193
BBC10008 38210010
60000000 00000000
C265D814 00000059
88100011 9421FFB0
BDC10008 8BF00013
56CC103A 3D8C8168
2C1F0000 41A20010
2C1F0001 41820014
48000258 3BC00014
9BCC0193 48000284
3BC00057 9BCC0193
3FA08053 3F8038A0
8B700012 2C1B0010
41820018 2C1B0011
41820010 2C1B0012
41820008 4800001C
2C000010 41820224
2C000011 4182021C
2C000012 41820214
3B40000C 7F4903A6
3F208168 63390193
3F008168 63180133
8AF90000 2C170006
40A20014 8AD80000
3AD60001 9AD80000
480000D8 2C170007
40A20014 8AD80004
3AD60001 9AD80004
480000C0 2C170008
40A20014 8AD80008
3AD60001 9AD80008
480000A8 2C170009
40A20014 8AD8000C
3AD60001 9AD8000C
48000090 2C17000A
40A20014 8AD80010
3AD60001 9AD80010
48000078 2C17000B
40A20014 8AD80014
3AD60001 9AD80014
48000060 2C17000C
40A20014 8AD80018
3AD60001 9AD80018
48000048 2C17000D
40A20014 8AD8001C
3AD60001 9AD8001C
48000030 2C17000E
40A20014 8AD80020
3AD60001 9AD80020
48000018 2C17000F
40A20010 8AD80024
3AD60001 9AD80024
3B390004 4200FF0C
2C000006 40A20014
8AD80000 2C160003
408000E8 480000FC
2C000007 40A20014
8AD80004 2C160001
408000D0 480000E4
2C000008 40A20014
8AD80008 2C160001
408000B8 480000CC
2C000009 40A20014
8AD8000C 2C160003
408000A0 480000B4
2C00000A 40A20014
8AD80010 2C160002
40800088 4800009C
2C00000B 40A20014
8AD80014 2C160002
40800070 48000084
2C00000C 40A20014
8AD80018 2C160001
40800058 4800006C
2C00000D 40A20014
8AD8001C 2C160001
40800040 48000054
2C00000E 40A20014
8AD80020 2C160001
40800028 4800003C
2C00000F 40A20010
8AD80024 2C160001
40800010 48000024
980C0193 48000034
639C0064 48000008
639C012C 7F9CB214
3B9C0001 939D5568
3AA00000 3B40000A
7F4903A6 9AB80000
3B180004 4200FFF8
B9C10008 38210050
60000000 00000000

C264F650 00000005
907C0008 9421FFF0
BFC10008 3FE08052
3FC080A1 63DE0024
93DF3C40 BBC10008
38210010 00000000
C264C4A4 0000000B
88030001 9421FFF0
BFC10008 8BE30003
56CC103A 3D8C8168
2C1F0000 41A20010
2C1F0001 41820014
4800001C 3BC00014
9BCC0193 48000014
3BC00057 9BCC0193
48000008 980C0193
BBC10008 38210010
60000000 00000000
C264C4C0 00000059
88100011 9421FFB0
BDC10008 8BF00013
56CC103A 3D8C8168
2C1F0000 41A20010
2C1F0001 41820014
48000258 3BC00014
9BCC0193 48000284
3BC00057 9BCC0193
3FA08052 3F8038A0
8B700012 2C1B0010
41820018 2C1B0011
41820010 2C1B0012
41820008 4800001C
2C000010 41820224
2C000011 4182021C
2C000012 41820214
3B40000C 7F4903A6
3F208168 63390193
3F008168 63180133
8AF90000 2C170006
40A20014 8AD80000
3AD60001 9AD80000
480000D8 2C170007
40A20014 8AD80004
3AD60001 9AD80004
480000C0 2C170008
40A20014 8AD80008
3AD60001 9AD80008
480000A8 2C170009
40A20014 8AD8000C
3AD60001 9AD8000C
48000090 2C17000A
40A20014 8AD80010
3AD60001 9AD80010
48000078 2C17000B
40A20014 8AD80014
3AD60001 9AD80014
48000060 2C17000C
40A20014 8AD80018
3AD60001 9AD80018
48000048 2C17000D
40A20014 8AD8001C
3AD60001 9AD8001C
48000030 2C17000E
40A20014 8AD80020
3AD60001 9AD80020
48000018 2C17000F
40A20010 8AD80024
3AD60001 9AD80024
3B390004 4200FF0C
2C000006 40A20014
8AD80000 2C160003
408000E8 480000FC
2C000007 40A20014
8AD80004 2C160001
408000D0 480000E4
2C000008 40A20014
8AD80008 2C160001
408000B8 480000CC
2C000009 40A20014
8AD8000C 2C160003
408000A0 480000B4
2C00000A 40A20014
8AD80010 2C160002
40800088 4800009C
2C00000B 40A20014
8AD80014 2C160002
40800070 48000084
2C00000C 40A20014
8AD80018 2C160001
40800058 4800006C
2C00000D 40A20014
8AD8001C 2C160001
40800040 48000054
2C00000E 40A20014
8AD80020 2C160001
40800028 4800003C
2C00000F 40A20010
8AD80024 2C160001
40800010 48000024
980C0193 48000034
639C0064 48000008
639C012C 7F9CB214
3B9C0001 939D3C40
3AA00000 3B40000A
7F4903A6 9AB80000
3B180004 4200FFF8
B9C10008 38210050
60000000 00000000

- If a detection occurs, the milliseconds will return to normal when the next race begins.
- This code relies on a specific value in the ITEM Packet. Due to the nature of how network traffic is sent, it is recommended to have all P2P connections set up (NATNEG complete).

Code Creator: Star
Code Credits: Bully@WiiPlaza

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  Item Warning Online [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 06-07-2018, 10:42 PM - Forum: Online; Item - No Replies

Item Warning Online [Bully]

Works Online only. With this code you can choose a desired character animation to execute on screen when a desired item is in play. The character will animate non-stop until the opponent uses the item or pulls the item out to hold/trail it. Nobody can see your character animate. Therefore, nobody knows you are running the code.

C265EE14 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000
C265EE30 00000003
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000
C27BE87C 00000006
A01F00F6 3D808168
618C018C 3960000C
854C0004 2C0A00XX
40A2000C 380000YY
B01F00F6 356BFFFF
4082FFE8 00000000

C265E18C 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000
C265E1A8 00000003
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000
C27CD2DC 00000006
A01F00F6 3D808168
618C018C 3960000C
854C0004 2C0A00XX
40A2000C 380000YY
B01F00F6 356BFFFF
4082FFE8 00000000

C265D7F8 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000
C265D814 00000003
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000
C27CC948 00000006
A01F00F6 3D808168
618C018C 3960000C
854C0004 2C0A00XX
40A2000C 380000YY
B01F00F6 356BFFFF
4082FFE8 00000000

C264C4A4 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000
C264C4C0 00000003
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000
C27BB69C 00000006
A01F00F6 3D808168
618C018C 3960000C
854C0004 2C0A00XX
40A2000C 380000YY
B01F00F6 356BFFFF
4082FFE8 00000000

XX Values:
00 = Green Shell
01 = Red Shell
02 = Banana
03 = Fake Item Box
04 = Mushroom
05 = Triple Mushroom
06 = Bob-omb
07 = Blue Shell
08 = Lightning
09 = Star
0A = Golden Mushroom
0B = Mega Mushroom
0C = Blooper
0D = POW Block
0E = Thunder Cloud
0F = Bullet Bill
10 = Triple Green Shells
11 = Triple Red Shells
12 = Triple Bananas
14 = No Item Available (Mushroom)

YY Values:
00 = Turning
01 = Boosting
02 = Drift left
03 = Drift right
04 = Wheelie
05 = Running
06 = Looking backwards
07 = Idle
08 = Win (two arms)
09 = Win (one arm)
14 = Yeah, I got him!
15 = Lose
17 = Throwing item
1A = Falling
1D = Weird sexual movement
1E = Trick

List of Sources:

1st ASM:
lbz r0, 0x1 (r3) #Default instruction
mulli r12, r22, 0x4 #Multiple Player slot by 4, store in r12. Thus lower 16 bits of r12 will hold second half of mem81 address
addis r12, r12, 0x8168 #Add 0x8168 to upper 16 bits of r12, lower 16 bits are not effected. At this point, if r12 is added with 0x193, it will be the finalized address of where the current read player's item will be stored to in mem81
stb r0, 0x193(r12) #Store current read player's item to r12 plus offset 0x0193 (address for that player's item is now finalized)

2nd ASM:
lbz r0, 0x0011 (r16) #Default instruction
mulli r12, r22, 0x4 #Multiple Player slot by 4, store in r12. Thus lower 16 bits of r12 will hold second half of mem81 address
addis r12, r12, 0x8168 #Add 0x8168 to upper 16 bits of r12, lower 16 bits are not effected. At this point, if r12 is added with 0x193, it will be the finalized address of where the current read player's item will be stored to in mem81
stb r0, 0x193 (r12) #Store current read player's item to r12 plus offset 0x0193 (address for that player's item is now finalized)

3rd ASM:
lhz r0, 0x00F6 (r31) #Default Instruction

lis r12, 0x8168 #Set address (-0x4 away) in reference where item values are stored in mem81
ori r12, r12, 0x018C

li r11, 12 #Max room size is 12 players, max times for loop will be 12

lwzu r10, 0x4 (r12) #First, load item from slot 0, increase mem location by 0x4 per every check
cmpwi r10, 0xXX #Compare item value of current slot to monitored item value
bne+ decrement_loop

li r0, 0xYY #Item was found, set character value to replace what's in r0
sth r0, 0x00F6 (r31) #Needs to be restored into memory

subic. r11, 11, 1 #Subtract one from r10 every time check is done. Once r10 is 0, the loop will stop
bne+ check_item_loop

Code creator: Bully
Code credits: Vega (improved source)

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  USB Gecko Item Spy Online [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 06-07-2018, 09:16 PM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes - No Replies

USB Gecko Item Spy Online [Bully]

NOTE: Outdated by Star's version.

Will show held (in inventory) items only. Does not include ready-to-fire items (trail/circling).

Spy Away Items
C265EE30 00000003
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000

Spy Local Items
C265EE14 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000

Spy Away Items
C265E1A8 00000003
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000

Spy Local Items
C265E18C 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000

Spy Away Items
C265D814 00000003
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000

Spy Local Items
C265D7F8 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000

Spy Away Items
C264C4C0 00000003
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000

Spy Local Items
C264C4A4 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8168 980C0193
60000000 00000000

[Item Values]
00 = Green Shell
01 = Red Shell
02 = Banana
03 = Fake Item Box
04 = Mushroom
05 = Triple Mushroom
06 = Bob-omb
07 = Blue Shell
08 = Lightning
09 = Star
0A = Golden Mushroom
0B = Mega Mushroom
0C = Blooper
0D = POW Block
0E = Thunder Cloud
0F = Bullet Bill
10 = Triple Green Shells
11 = Triple Red Shells
12 = Triple Bananas
14 = No Item

- Address 81680193 and onward will contain all players' item values, ordered by player slot
- A USB Gecko is not required if using Dolphin with Aldelaro5's Dolphin Memory Engine (Live RAM Viewer)

Code Creator: Bully@Wiiplaza

Code created by: Bully

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  USB Gecko Item Spy Offline [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 06-07-2018, 01:31 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item - No Replies

USB Gecko Item Spy Offline [Bully]

Includes both Local and Away Items. Only includes items that are held in inventory, NOT items that are ready-to-fire (trail/circling).

- Address 81500000 and onward will contain all players' item values, ordered by player slot (yourself is always first player)
- A USB Gecko is not required if using Dolphin with Aldelaro5's Dolphin Memory Engine (Live RAM Viewer)

C278EEF8 00000003
801D008C 1D7B0004
3D808150 7D8C5A14
900C0000 00000000

C2797F04 00000003
801D008C 1D7B0004
3D808150 7D8C5A14
900C0000 00000000

C2797570 00000003
801D008C 1D7B0004
3D808150 7D8C5A14
900C0000 00000000

C27862C4 00000003
801D008C 1D7B0004
3D808150 7D8C5A14
900C0000 00000000

[Item Values]
00 = Green Shell
01 = Red Shell
02 = Banana
03 = Fake Item Box
04 = Mushroom
05 = Triple Mushroom
06 = Bob-omb
07 = Blue Shell
08 = Lightning
09 = Star
0A = Golden Mushroom
0B = Mega Mushroom
0C = Blooper
0D = POW Block
0E = Thunder Cloud
0F = Bullet Bill
10 = Triple Green Shells
11 = Triple Red Shells
12 = Triple Bananas
14 = No Item

Code created by: Bully

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  USB Gecko Item Spy Offline [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 06-07-2018, 12:01 AM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes - No Replies

USB Gecko Item Spy Offline [Bully]

NOTE: Outdated by Bully's newer version which can spy all players at once, no extra steps needed

You need USB Gecko or Aldelaro5's Live RAM Viewer!

How to use code:
This code is not like other item spy codes. It requires an extra step to be done, and you can only spy on one person at a time.

On your USB Gecko/RAM Viewer, go to Address 81700070. Before the race is loaded, you will see all zeros pretty much everywhere. Once you load a track, some random hex code is displayed, then a list of 12 memory addresses will be shown. However keep waiting until right before the countdown, the list of memory addresses will change very slightly and remain the same for the rest of the race. Those final addresses are the addresses for each players' item value (plus amount). First address is always yourself. Other 11 are the other CPUs.

For example let's say we want to spy ourself. Once the countdown has started, view the value listed at 81700070.

Let's say it's 8121B774. Visit that address on your RAM Viewer. It will display 00 00 00 14. That is the item value (no item). The next string is 00 00 00 00. That is item amount.

Hit a box, let's say you get triple mushrooms. 00 00 00 14 will change to 00 00 00 05. And the second string will change to 00 00 00 03 and decrease by 1 for every shroom you use.

C278FF00 00000004
1D9D0004 3D8C8170
3863008C 906C0070
3863FF74 8003008C
60000000 00000000

C2798F0C 00000004
1D9D0004 3D8C8170
3863008C 906C0070
3863FF74 8003008C
60000000 00000000

C2798578 00000004
1D9D0004 3D8C8170
3863008C 906C0070
3863FF74 8003008C
60000000 00000000

C27872CC 00000004
1D9D0004 3D8C8170
3863008C 906C0070
3863FF74 8003008C
60000000 00000000

[Item Values]
00 = Green Shell
01 = Red Shell
02 = Banana
03 = Fake Item Box
04 = Mushroom
05 = Triple Mushroom
06 = Bob-omb
07 = Blue Shell
08 = Lightning
09 = Star
0A = Golden Mushroom
0B = Mega Mushroom
0C = Blooper
0D = POW Block
0E = Thunder Cloud
0F = Bullet Bill
10 = Triple Green Shells
11 = Triple Red Shells
12 = Triple Bananas
14 = No Item

Another interesting feature: Continuing from the example listed above, go down one row and look at the 3rd string when you get a Golden. It will read 10 00 00 00. Use the golden, the 1 will change to 0. Then further to the right, a hexadecimal countdown starts (beginning at 01 BE). This is the golden mushroom timer until you lose the golden. The moment that hex timer hits 00 00 is when your golden goes away.

Code created by: Bully

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  How to Install and Run Aldelaro5's Dolphin-memory-engine
Posted by: Vega - 06-05-2018, 11:40 PM - Forum: Coding (Non-ASM) and Dolphin - Replies (4)

How to Install and Run Aldelaro5's Dolphin-memory-engine

Intro & Requirements

Aldelaro5's Dolphin-memory-engine is program that hooks to the Dolphin Emulation and allows the live view of the game's memory with features to run various data searches/scans. It supports both Mem1 and Mem2. It is a MUST HAVE if you ever plan on creating your own ASM codes via Dolphin. Dolphin does come with it's own memory viewer, but it does not have live updates.

You will need to have a Developer Version of Dolphin already installed. 'Stable' versions will simply not work. Here is a guide on how to install Dolphin Dev Version - http://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=625

Installing & Running for Windows:

NOTE: For Windows 10 or later

Download the latest version (0.9.0) of Dolphin-memory-engine - https://github.com/aldelaro5/dolphin-mem...-0.9.0.zip

Unzip the download. You will see an application called DolphinMemoryEngine.exe. This is the program.

Dolphin-memory-engine is meant to run with Dolphin in Debugger Mode. Launch Dolphin how you normally would. Once Dolphin has booted. Go to Options, then Configuration. Click on the Interface Tab. You should see a tickable box that says "Enable Debugging UI". Click in the box to checkmark it. Once it has been checkmarked. Close the Tab. You should see a myriad of new menus/items if this was your first time enabling the Debugger Mode.

Once Dolphin Debugger Mode has been enabled, launch your DolphinMemoryEngine.exe file. You should see something similar to this - http://mkwii.com/pics/screenshots/RAMViewer.png

The above pic is from an older version of the Engine, therefore you will see some slight differences.

At the top, the program should say it is hooked successfully. If not click the large Hook button. If it fails, restart both Dolphin & the Memory-engine, and try again. If the Memory-engine still fails to hook, scroll down to the Troubleshooting portion of the thread...

If the Memory-engine did get a successful hook, go ahead and launch your Game. Then within Dolphin-memory-engine, click View. Then click Memory Viewer. A new window will appear showing you the live view of the Game's RAM. Congratz!

Installing & Running for Linux (Ubuntu or Debian only)

For Linux installation you will need to build the Memory-engine from source. Must be on Ubuntu 22.04+ or Debian 12+.

1. Update, upgrade, etc etc...

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean

The above command will update and upgrade everything for your Linux OS plus delete/wipe any unneeded cache and/or dependencies

If you had to preform any upgrades, be sure to reboot your computer - sudo reboot

2. Install Dependencies

If you already have Dolphin-emulator installed on your Debian or Ubuntu system (via built from source code), then you already have all the dependencies, proceed to next step. If not, view the Dolphin install guide HERE and install all the dependencies from steps 2.

3. Download/Clone GitHub Repo

Open up a terminal and run the following commands.

cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/aldelaro5/dolphin-memory-engine.git
cd dolphin-memory-engine

4. Preparing and Executing the Build

We must navigate to the Source directory that's within the cloned Repo.

cd $HOME/dolphin-memory-engine/Source

Run the following command...

mkdir build && cd build

Now run this command...

cmake ..

And finally run this...


The source code will now be built, takes just a few minutes. Once completed, your terminal should be auto directed into /home/yourusername/Dolphin-memory-engine-master/Source/build

If not, then cd into that location.

5. Booting Dolphin-memory-engine

Before we boot the engine, we must enable Dolphin's Debugging UI. Launch Dolphin in a new separate Terminal. Keep your other Teminal open. Once Dolphin has booted. Go to Options, then Configuration. Click on the Interface Tab. You should see a tickable box that says "Enable Debugging UI". Click in the box to checkmark it. Once it has been checkmarked. Close the Tab. You should see a myriad of new menus/items if this was your first time enabling the Debugger Mode.

Dolphin Debugger mode will now be enabled. Going back to your original terminal, run this command to boot the Memory-engine...


You should see something similar to this - http://mkwii.com/pics/screenshots/RAMViewer.png

The above pic is from an older version of the Engine, therefore you will see some slight differences.

At the top, the program should say it is hooked successfully. If not click the large Hook button. If it fails, restart both Dolphin & the Memory-engine, and try again. If the Memory-engine still fails to hook, scroll down to the Troubleshooting portion of the thread...

If the Memory-engine did get a successful hook, go ahead and launch your Game. Then within Dolphin-memory-engine, click View. Then click Memory Viewer. A new window will appear showing you the live view of the Game's RAM. Congratz!


If you can't get the program to hook or a certain range of addresses won't display, here are some tips:

Try using an older version of the memory engine - https://github.com/aldelaro5/Dolphin-mem...e/releases
(Each release comes with pre-compiled and source versions for both Windows and Linux)

If that doesn't work, you can try using an older version of Dolphin or try an old version of both the Memory Engine and Dolphin.

Here are some combinations that I or others have had success with..
Dolphin version 20360 w/ Memory Engine version 0.9.0
Dolphin version 10886 w/ Memory Engine version 0.5.0
Dolphin version 10886 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0
Dolphin version 10413 w/ Memory Engine version 0.5.0
Dolphin version 10413 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0
Dolphin version 8490 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0
Dolphin version 8279 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0
Dolphin version 8029 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0

Note for Linux Users wanting older versions of Dolphin Dev: Unfortunately there is no database of older pre-compiled Linux-based Dev revisions. However, you can try one of the Beta versions that are present at the Downloads page (https://dolphin-emu.org/download/)

Before compiling the source of a different Dolphin, you need to remove your current version of Dolphin completely. Wherever you main Dolphin folder is, there is a build directory within. Open a terminal within that build directory. Run this command....

sudo cat install_manifest.txt | xargs -d '\n' rm

Command will take a minute or so. Dolphin is now uninstalled.

If you still have unresolved issues, you can try posting them here -> https://github.com/aldelaro5/dolphin-mem...ine/issues
It's possible that something is wrong with your Dolphin-Emu, it may help you to ask help on the dolphin forums - https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/

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